Whole Child Orientation


Join us at the Whole Child Orientation!

June 24-26, 2025 in Washington, DC

October 28-30 in Houston, TX

The Whole Child Orientation is a three-day conference where teachers, principals, district leaders, behavior support staff, and SEL/mental health staff can take a deep dive into the science behind the model, see model strategies in action, and learn concrete strategies to implement at their schools.

Day 1: Foundations of the Whole Child Model

Day 2: CARE (Universal Supports)

Day 3: Boost (Tier 2 and 3 interventions)

Each day will run from approximately 8:30am-4pm.

Cost per participant is $1000. Breakfast, lunch, beverages, and snacks are included.

Registration is open now!

Washington DC Registration: Early Bird pricing of $775 through April 25, 2025

Houston, TX Registration: Early Bird pricing of $775 through August 25, 2025

Orientation participants engage in a Purposeful Partnering activity


three speech bubbles with a thumbs up, heart, and smily face

What people are saying about this event

  • “It was fantastic, exceeded my expectations, and refreshed my motivation to do more and better for myself, my kids, and my school.”

  • “This was amazing, a breath of fresh air, and gave me energy and motivation.”

  • “The methodology is fantastic as it doesn’t feel like work.”